Course Fees & Registration must be received one month prior to the course. Substitutions must be approved by the course director. Make Checks Payable to Indy Roadrunners ENA
ENA Member- $225.00
Non-ENA Member $250.00
Hospitals supporting participating instructors need to contact the course director for approval of reduced fee.
Course Information/Description:
Registration will be limited. Course fee includes course material, & break refreshments. If you have any special needs please contact the course director at least 30 days prior to the course.
Course cancellation policy:
Course registrants should contact the course director by email or phone as early as possible when they find that they cannot attend a course. Two weeks notice is preferred. Your registration may be able to be transferred to another course hosted by Chapter 134 one time only. If you are unable to attend the course and do not notify the course director prior to the start of the course, no refund will be given and your registration will not be transferred to another course.
Course description:
TNCC, widely recognized as the premier course for hospitals and trauma centers worldwide, empowers nurses with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and hands-on training to provide expert care for trauma patients.
Rapid identification of life-threatening injuries/Comprehensive patient assessment/Enhanced intervention for better patient outcomes
ENA developed the Trauma Nursing Core Course to establish a standardized body of trauma nursing knowledge and to improve the care of all trauma patients. This seventh edition course combines interactive learning with scenario-based assessments to give nurses a comprehensive learning experience.
Verification and Contact Hours:
RN candidates with successful completion will receive the ENA TNCC 4 year provider verification card. All attendees will be awarded a contact hour certificate with appropriate contact hours.
17.65 contact hours will be awarded for course completion.