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to Mar 16

March 12-16, 2018-Core 40 Victim Advocacy Training

  • Butler University Pharmacy & Health Sciences Building Room 156 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The CORE 40 is a FREE Sexual Assault Victim Advocate training designed primarily for sexual assault advocates who are staff or volunteers working with victims of sexual assault through Rape Crisis Centers or Dual Service Providers. The training topics are standardized with suggested teaching points that allow for consistency throughout the field. This training offers the necessary "core" or basic knowledge and skills to provide competent and effective crisis intervention services to victims.

Although the emphasis of the Sexual Assault Victim Advocate CORE 40 training is focused on building the fundamental skills for advocates working in the field of sexual assault, the training allows for flexibility to incorporate a few additional topics when deemed relevant. Relevancy is based on current trends in victimology and the subsequent education/skill building needs that arise as a result.

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3:00 PM15:00

August 23, 2017- Part II- Stalking Evidence: What to Look For and How to Get It Admitted

In Part II of this webinar series we will delve into the investigation and prosecution of stalking cases. We will explore how to conduct thorough investigations, including evidence preservation and collection as well as investigative strategies for interviewing victims and suspects. We will also look at evidentiary issues, particularly around technology, prosecutors may face when trying stalking cases. It is imperative that law enforcement and prosecutors work together to hold offenders accountable and keep victims safe. As a result of this webinar both law enforcement and prosecutors will have a better understanding of the unique challenges for investigating and prosecuting stalking cases and the strategies to overcome them with an emphasis on collaboration.

Presenter: Elaina Roberts, Legal Director, Stalking Resource Center and TBD, Law Enforcement Consultant, Stalking Resource Center


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3:00 PM15:00

August 16, 2017- Debunking Domestic Violence Myths

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and its concomitant elements of physical violence, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and coercive control can profoundly affect the lives of those exposed to it. How women respond to IPV has been the subject of analysis for several decades. The overall conclusion of much of that work was that the term, “battered woman syndrome” does not adequately capture the scientific and clinical knowledge of battering and its effects, a statement that is even more true today. This webinar will present a model of threat appraisal that addresses the legal requirement of self-defense in cases where an alleged IPV victim is charged in the death of an alleged abuser. The model of threat appraisal integrates cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience and clinical psychology and provides a framework for assessment of the elements that contribute to understanding threat appraisal or threat detection. Case examples will be provided. 


Mary Ann Dutton, PhD, Professor and Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical Center

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2:00 PM14:00

August 16, 2017- Campus Stalking: New Regulations and the Implications for Campus Responders (Part 2 of 2)

The 2013 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act outlines amendments to the Clery Act and the prevention of and response to stalking on college campuses. In June of 2016, the Department of Education outlined recommendations for the implementation of these amendments. This webinar is part two of a two-part series and will explore the new requirements for college campuses. Topics include: primary prevention and awareness programming requirements, the development of procedures for victims and the college to follow in cases of stalking and the reporting and disclosure of stalking crimes in annual security reports. Campus responders including: Title IX coordinators, campus safety officials, student disciplinary staff, dean of students offices and other allied professionals are encourage to attend this webinar to ensure your institution is responding accordingly to incidents of stalking on campus. These webinars are free, and we encourage you to send to your networks.


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